Posted on Monday, April 14, 2008:

Banksy, the British graffiti artist, has added to his portrait of street art by unveiling his latest work - a three story work of art, titled "One Nation Under CCTV".

Banksy Graffiti

Banksy Graffiti

The graffiti work is on the side of the post office depot, in Newman Street, which is just down the road from work. So tonight I took a walk there on the way home to snap a few pics.

The Daily Mail today described it all quite well: "Banksy pulled off an audacious stunt to produce what is believed to be his biggest work yet in central London. The secretive graffiti artist managed to erect three storeys of scaffolding behind a security fence despite being watched by a CCTV camera."

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -