Spent most of the weekend cycling, after having not done any last weekend with me not feeling great. But made up for it this weekend instead :)
Yesterday I left around lunch time and missioned out through Richmond Park and Teddington and out to Hampton Court Palace, which is really cool. To be honest, I hardly saw much of it, just a basic glance from the outside. Knowing that the sun doesn't stay up for long, I thought it best to get home while it was still light. I stopped off on the way on Barge Walk to get a pic of me on the bike.
Today was another good of riding - this time into work and back, which meant dealing with central London traffic. Good times. Double decker busses at high speed and only an arms length away from you is pretty damn scary - but all part of the fun that is central London cycling.
Still gonna be a good few weeks before I get to ride to and from work during the week, but at least its a start for now :) Gonna to be interesting to see how my legs feel tomorrow morning...