Posted on Monday, January 14, 2008:

One advantage of coming back to SA on the pound - everything works out that much cheaper :) On Tuesday we went out to Jolly Roger in Parkhurst for drinks. Was quite cool that just about everyone who was in Joburg was able to make it through, even if just for a little while.

Andrea Pete Justin Me Mufassa Rebecca and HaigHaig Charisse Justin and Warren
Haig Al and MeKaren Haig Me Nina and Linda

On Thursday night, for Haig's birthday, we went out to Primi Piatti in Rosebank, and I indulged in a huge lamb shank for dinner :) From Rosebank, Haig and Justin and myself headed through to Rivonia and landed up getting home around 5 the next morning! Which made Friday night was a fairly quite Doors night!

Then last night, being my last day here - I had a 'farewell' dinner at Saffron, a really good Indian restaurant in Bedfordview. Quite a good crowd of us there, which was cool to end of on!

Saffron Indian RestaurantAll of Us at Saffron

Well, today's basically gonna involve packing and getting everything together, then off to the airport this evening on my way to an inevitable cold and miserable London.

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from Johannesburg, South Africa -