To begin with a definition:
Veisalgia (noun): The unpleasant after-effects of the consumption of alcohol. See also: hangover
That's pretty much how I'm feeling today :( Not only me, but the entire office here. Had a big one last night, to say the least. It was a farewell party for two people last night, and with help of the company credit card picking up the tab - there wasn't much holding anyone back. Especially with an endless supply of champagne bottles on the table :) I had to be up at 07h00 this morning to monitor something on the net for work, luckily that all went off smoothly, then while waiting for an email to send, I fell asleep only to wake up at 09h44. So I only just got in to work now! Good times...
So today's gonna be a really slow day, and highly unproductive. But at least we're all in it together. Then tonight I'm off to Dust Bar - which involves drinks, a dice and a gambling element :) I'll write about that tomorrow though...