Posted on Sunday, October 28, 2007:

Well for a change actually had a quiet weekend. Did very little, to almost nothing at all. Friday came straight home, watched some random shows on TV, and much again the same yesterday - a few movies, some TV, more random shows, etc etc. Was good to actually do nothing :)

Today Keith and I headed into town and walked around Oxford and Regent Street, general random browsing. Popped into the Apple store and fell in love with the new Apple Ipod-Touch. She's beautiful. But also ridiculously expensive, so there goes that idea :(

Ipod Touch

Other than went, I just got a few things here and there, a couple of hoodies / jumpers and things like that. Not much of an exciting weekend. Changed out of daylight savings time last night, so now back to GMT.

This week's gonna be busy, got a big leaving party at work on Wednesday, going out with Will and crowd on Thursday, then off to Brighton the weekend!

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -