Posted on Monday, September 17, 2007:

Had quite a South African related weekend this one just gone by. It started on Friday night with the SA - England game. I went down to Sports Cafe near Piccadilly Circus, and met up with Chuck, Jean and a friend of hers. We watched the game there where we were surrounded by English supports, which made our win that much sweeter :)

Rugby World Cup Bryan HabanaRugby World Cup Juan Smith

On Saturday I went over to Rowan and Tarryn's place. It was Rowan's birthday towards the end of last week, so it was a combined birthday / house warming get-together. Had a good barbeque braai for lunch and kept on reminding Tom about Friday night's score :) He wasn't happy.

Boerewors Braai

Saturday night I went through with Kate to watch the Lord Of The Rings Trilogy at the Imax theatre near Waterloo. OK, so this was the one non-South African related event from the weekend :) Anyway, they were showing all three of the 3 hour long Lord Of The Rings, back to back, starting at 23h00. We walked out there at 09h15 yesterday morning. Good fun :)

Lord of the Rings Trilogy

Yesterday, once I got home, spent the rest of the day sleeping until about 17h00, when I went off and met up with Tom and others to watch Shady Okes - a South African comedy night at the Hammersmith Apollo. The three comedians there were Mark Banks Riaad Moosa and of course, John Vlismas.

Shady Okes

So, between the us kicking ass in sport over the weekend (rugby on Friday and the 20-20 cricket last night), the braai on Saturday afternoon, and the SA comedy last night, was a good South African weekend in London :)

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -