Posted on Sunday, September 9, 2007:
Actually managed to have a quiet weekend this time :) Not often I'm able to do very little, but this one I was.
Friday was the usual after-work drinks which I left after a couple. I know if I stay any longer, it'll be a midnight dash for KFC and the last train home - so best to quit while I'm ahead. Saturday I slept in half the day - caught up on much needed sleep. The afternoon I met Luke at the Putney Walkabout to watch the Australia game and then the England game. After that came home and watched a bit of TV. Today's been much the same - just at home and watching the SA game.
Giving myself a break this weekend and next, which is just in time for the Oktoberfest in two weeks time! Gonna be crazy!! :)
:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -