Back into the swing of things in London again. Still don't really want to be here. Would love to be back in Spain, spending the rest of summer on the beach, in the old town and drinking cider. If only...
First week almost done with. Hasn't been too bad I guess. Still tired though. Wasn't really a relaxing holiday, so might take it easy this weekend :) Last night, Justin and I met up with Linda and Felicity who were travelling though London just for a few days - so was good to catch up with them again. They're leaving for Belgium and Germany on Sunday, so will most likely do something Saturday night... the thought at the moment is Clapham Grand - but will see what happens.
Tonight it's Chucks birthday, and going for drinks at The Porterhouse in Covent Gardens. Apparently there's talk of going out clubbing afterwards, so we'll see if I'm still awake (or feeling like it). The idea was to have a quiet weekend... :)