Posted on Monday, July 30, 2007:

Aah, back to the real world of work, rushing around, jam-packed trains, rude commuters and so on. Was so close to staying on for another few days / weeks / months / whatever I could. Would've been that easy. But I guess its not always possible. Oh well...

Got back to London about 23h00 last night and then after getting dinner, catching the trains and unpacking, only got to sleep after 01h00, so work today isn't going to be all that great. But I'm sure I'll get through it, slowly :)

We managed to get up to France on the Friday for the day. Started off in St. Jean de Luz - a beautiful little coastal town very near the French / Spanish border. Walked around there on the beach for a bit and then had the most amazing, enormous, seafood platter for lunch. It was massive. Had everything you get in the sea. So much food, we landed up sending a large amount of prawns, snails, etc back - just couldn't eat it all :) After St. Jean de Luz, we took a train over to Biarritz, another picturesque little coastal town where we, again, walked around and admired the scenery. Europe is awesome :)

St Jean De Luz PortSeafood Platter
St Jean De Luz BeachBiarritz Beach
Biarritz Coastline

I'll be uploading more photos to the album as soon as I can. The Saturday and yesterday morning we were just on the beach, in the old town eating Tapas, drinking Sangria, some more tapas, some cider, etc. Then at night was the Jazz festival on the beach, jumping from club to club at night (most only hold about 100 people) and then getting home when the sun rises!

Party in Old TownParty in Old Town

Now thats what I call a holiday... not very relaxing though, but a kickass holiday!

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -