Friday the 13th, which is only bad luck or worrying if you're superstitious. But our bad luck came last night. We never got to see the show :(
I met up with Tom who had gotten there really early, but the number of people who were also there were crazy. They only allow about 150 into the studio, and there must've been about 500 people, if not more, queueing outside. So we never made it in.
Instead, we went through to Victoria station and met up with Tom's friends, Rachael and her friend (no idea what her name is, some Czech name, not sure). Anyway, we had a few drinks there and then headed down to Balham for a few more and then caught the train back home around midnight.
Was a good night out, even though didn't quite work as planned - it wasn't disappointing. Off for a few work drinks this evening I'm sure... as it usually happens on a Friday :)