After packing up and getting everything together, I made it down to Hove at about 23h00 on Friday evening. I dropped my bags at Haig's house and decided to go for a quiet beer down the road, which turned into a whole lot more than just one and us getting home at 03h00 or something like that :)
Saturday we took a walk to the Brighton Walkabout to watch SA play England, and kick their ass as well :) Was a really good game, and the SA support was decent in the Walkabout which helped create a good atmosphere! From the Walkabout, took a walk down the beach front, stopped at a few beach front pubs and went back to some dinner before heading out to the Arc - a rock / indie club in Brighton. That was cool - got a a bit crazy towards the end, and landed up leaving there and getting home around 04h00.
The rest of the weekend was spent indoors, recovering and watching the wind, rain and miserable weather outside. It really was awful weather for a long weekend, but hey, what can you do? No one ever said the weather was great in the UK :)