Posted on Monday, April 9, 2007:

Arrived back in London this morning, about 45 minutes later than expected, but wasnt a problem - not like I needed to catch a connecting flight or anything. Passport / emmigration control took forever, over an hour to get through that. The joys of having a South African passport :) But at least everything went smoothly, no problems there!

From the airport, went past Justin to get some stuff I had left there, then past my place to drop it off and unpack. And thats about all I've done today so far. Gotta go food shopping still and sort out issues with my job, which I'm no longer gonna be starting tomorrow.

But otherwise all ok here, back in London for round number 2 - let's hope its as good, if not better, than round number 1 :) Not as many travels planned for this year - what I have booked for is Download Festival, V-Festival and Oktoberfest, which is all gonna be awesome!! Cant wait...

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -