Posted on Thursday, March 29, 2007:

Almost half way through my holiday here already - crazy how quickly time is going. Last week Friday we all went up to Stones in Edenvale for a good party there. Was really cool that everyone managed to come through for a while and was good to see everyone again :)

Stones Greg and MeStones Pete Me and Andrea
Stones Ri and MeStones Paul Me Claz and Raul

On the Saturday I went with my folks through to Ellis Park to watch the Lions play, and met up with Al and some of his mates there. The rest of the week has just been catching up with others, Doors on the Tuesday night and an awesome meal at the Meat Company on the Wednesday night, for only £40!!

In Car Going To RugbyDancing Girls at Rugby

So far its been great here, and tomorrow I'm off with the rest of the family to Mbizi, a game lodge / farm up north near to Mabalingwe until Sunday or Monday, depending how it goes. Will update the site again later next week with any more news. Cheers...

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from Johannesburg, South Africa -