Posted on Friday, March 16, 2007:

Its now 16:35 on a Friday afternoon, and I'm at work ready to go home. And by home, I mean the place where I sleep - who ever doesnt mind me staying over.

Today's my last day at work here in Croydon. It's been okay, well, actually pretty damn boring, but at least it was a job and that job got me money :) So its not all bad. Going to be finishing up in the next hour or so, then heading over to South Wimbledon to my old place before we head out. We'll probably start off in Wimbledon, then head over to Clapham and see where we go from there.

Tomorrow is St. Patrick's day which should be a good day out in town. Still dunno what our plans are yet, but we'll take it as it comes! I plan on having a big night out tomorrow, try one of the mainstream clubs - but that's if I can convince others to come out with me.

Also, its my last few days in London for a while, before heading back to SA on Sunday. Cant believe its so close already - seemed like forever away, now its two days away. Gonna be really good to go back, and I'm there for three weeks as well :)

Thats it for now, might try and put some update about St. Patricks day here, otherwise hope y'all have a great weekend and will see ya (who stay in SA) real soon... :)

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -