Well, its now almost midnight on Sunday - and the idea was not for me to be sitting at "home" on the computer... right now I should be partying it up in Brighton :) But I'll get to that shortly.
Friday night I spent at home, doing some packing, watching some TV, sorting out my stuff on Tom's computer, etc etc. I probably could've done it all in a fifth of the time - but I didn't plan on going out - so took my time to do all that. Saturday I spent moving... from South Wimbledon to Boston Manor, which is a mission - from far south to far west. But all went ok relatively speaking. Because Russell is in South Africa, I'm able to stay there this week - which works out quite well! So at least I have a "home" this week!
Saturday evening Tom, Justin and myself grabbed a bite to eat at a Thai restaurant, then headed out to King's Road in town and met up with Chuck for his farewell before he heads back to SA for a holiday. After a few drinks there, we (Tom, Justin, Kate, Alex and myself) decided to party it up at the Clapham Grand, and after a couple of busses, we got there about 00h30. It stays open until 03h00 which is later than the average club in London and had a really cool time there. After waiting forever for a night bus, we decided to catch a cab back to Tom and Justin's place - making our trip home that much easier!
Today, after waking up around lunch time, Tom and I went to Camden Town for a while to do some random shopping and walk around the Camden Market. Then Haig phones and tries to convince me to come down to Brighton for a night out there. Which sounds like a good idea :) After getting home, changing, getting my work stuff together and about it leave, I just double check the trains to catch and notice it's going to take 3 hours to get there 'cos of engineering works on the line. So after being all ready to go - I had to stay at home :( Would only have gotten down there about 23h00 which was kind of pointless. So next time...
Last week of work and overcast London before I hit good ol' sunny SA...