Posted on Thursday, March 1, 2007:

Cant believe we're already into March of 2007. Times flies when you're having fun I guess. Well I thought here's a little bit about this year, so far. Other than what I've already said in other posts...

Firstly, its less than three weeks until I'm back in South Africa :) Arrive on Monday the 19th, in the evening. Will spent that night at home with the family - then plan of having a big one at The Doors on the Tuesday night. And there better not be any excuses for coming out - cos Wednesday the 21st is a public holiday. That should be good :)

Secondly, I've quit my job. I finish up here the Friday before I left for SA. Its a contract job, but just getting bored with it. So I think its best. Having said that - I've also been offered a new, full time job when I return from SA. Its in North London at a new Web2.0 start up company - working with the guys I used to work with when at the previous job. That should be cool - looking forward to that!

To add to everything else, I'm moving out of the place I'm living now. Want to move closer to town, and get somewhere a bit cheaper than where I am now. Would rather put that extra money towards travelling and enjoying what Europe has to offer :) So as soon as I can find someone to move into my room, I'll be out. No idea where I'm gonna stay - will worry about that when I'm back from SA. So it'll be a new area, a new house, new housemates and a new job. Should be fun!!

Lastly, I've decided against travelling this year. Will leave that to next year. Instead, going to make full use of the festivals during the year. First festival is Download Fest, in June. The second one is V-Festival, in August. Then the last festival is Oktoberfest, towards the end of September. You dont want to know whats all that is going to cost :) But I think it'll be awesome! Cant wait.

Well, thats a bit of update from my side for now. Just if anyone wanted to know what I was busy doing now, or planned on doing when I got back. CYA...

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -