Posted on Wednesday, January 24, 2007:

Got woken up this morning with a call from Haig saying 'go look outside'... which at first made no sense to me - mainly cos I was half asleep. Rushed downstairs to find all my other house mates already awake and outside in the SNOW! Yip, it snowed last night! Not a lot, but enough to say I've now seen fresh snow!

View of Our RoadView from My Window
Bianca Me and JanetThe Park
The WalkwayMe Outside Work

It wasnt actually as cold as I thought it would be - probably be cold tonight on the way home once the snow is all melted! Its after lunch now, and I can see that most of the snow has already gone :( Oh well - looking more and more forward to skiing this Friday! Cant wait...

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -