Posted on Thursday, November 30, 2006:

Last night was something with a difference... we went ice skating on an open air ice rink by Tower of London. Around Christmas time, there are a number of open ice rinks set up around London. I tried to book for the one by Somerset House, but cant get bookings until January basically, so we tried the Tower of London one which was really cool - something with a difference. Its a temporary set up ice rink, with flood lights around and speakers playing Xmas carols. Really cool. With all of these ice rinks, you need to book your session well in advance, just 'cos they all so popular.

Ice SkatingIce Skating

There were quite a number of us, Kate (who I hadnt seen in a while), Janet and Tom, a few others that they know. The sessions are only an hour long, but an hour's actually enough time. I havent skated in years - so took a little while to get back into it - but was good fun! Planning on going again soon, probably try out another one.

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -