Posted on Friday, November 10, 2006:

So I did the big move last night. All went well and nicely unpacked and basically settled in. Since I had to work yesterday, I managed to finish an hour earlier and headed home and quickly packed. I decided to catch a taxi instead of the train, firstly because it would be a whole lot easier and secondly, well, because I can.

Since the others had also only just moved in this week, there's still a lot of things to do and get for the house. Like blankets, a toaster, microwave, internet, TV, stripper pole in the lounge, etc. OK Im kidding, probably dont need a microwave just yet. All of that will hopefully come in the next couple of weeks - so not gonna take any photos until the house is all done up and looking good!

But at least I got my own room and my own place now - nice!

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -