Im almost certain I've now found my new house. And not where I thought it would be. The place I looked at on Monday was really cool, but they were looking for a couple to move in - which I somewhat expected so carried on looking last night. Saw an advert about a place in Wimbledon, all the way south. Sent an email and organised to meet up tonight which I did.
Got back a little while ago and went really well tonight - the people seem cool. I would be sharing a house with two others - a South African girl (from DBN) and a British guy - in a three bedroom place. They wanted to meet first, so I havent actually seen the house - gonna check that out on Sunday. All seems really cool and the house sounds perfect. They're actually only moving in on Monday so I would only be able to move in early next week. But I'll see the place on Sunday and then decide - but by the sounds of it gonna take it up! So should have a home by early next week... so excited!!
The area is Wimbledon, the little SA of London basically. Its quite far out of London central, by far I'm talking like 20 minutes by train from centre of town, but I'll be staying more Wimbledon South which is on the northern underground line - the one I catch to get to work so thats that sorted, no changing and swapping trains to get to work. Nice :)
Other news... I've now been degraded down to the couch. No more double bed for me :( Another reason why I need my own place. Also, it suddenly got frikken' cold here today. A lot colder than it has been, and still gonna get colder as we go along. Probably time I do my winter clothes shopping. That can wait... Haig's coming up for the weekend - should be good, probably go to the Mean Fiddler (rock club) on Friday and then watch a band on Saturday and finish off with the Guy Fawkes celebration on Sunday :)