Another weekend gone by here. Not such a great one overall. Basically just annoyed that I haven't found myself a place yet. Was hoping to get one by the end of this weekend. But that hasnt happened. Gonna try again this week.
Anyway, Friday was a good day at work. It was Justin's last day (my manager) so during lunch we went for a few pints at the pub outside work, which meant the afternoon was completely unproductive and then left work a couple of hours earlier and the whole department headed out to the Hawley Arms... a pub down the road from us off Camden high street. That was cool, enjoyed it as well as the excess amount of beer. Decided I'm now on a retox diet... apparently its meant to be healthy. Or thats what they say. Took me forever to get home, went via London south, then the north, then the west, and eventually home.
Saturday and Sunday was used to look for places. I've been looking in the north, the east, the south east and found nothing. All way too dodge for me. So now I'm gonna start looking in the south west, around Southfields and Wimbledon area. It'll take an bigger bite out my pay cheque but gonna at least live in a really decent area with decent people - mainly populated by South Africans, Australians, New Zealanders, etc. A bit further from work, but shouldn't be much of a problem. I just cant carry on living where I am now... driving me mad. Mad. Insane. Arrrgh.
Lastly, we went into daylight savings today. To be exact, at 02:00 this morning - which would've been 01:00 GMT. At 02:00 our time, we set our watches back to 01:00. Crazy stuff, going back to the past or something.
So basically we had an extra hour in today - a 25 hour day. Yip, just like the bar-one advert. I spent a while on the way home looking for a South African shop to buy some bar-ones so we could have a photo of us eating a bar-one in a 25 hour day. Cos really, thats what it is.
Wish me luck this week with my house hunting... gonna keep trying. Otherwise, happy Halloween for Tuesday night, not sure what our plans are yet...