Yip, five months I've been over here. And its been awesome! Some news from this week: I got my NI Number at the start of this week, so now they're not gonna hit me with 40% tax which does help. I get taxed properly now.
I went to a talk / presentation last night given by a company called World Expeditions. They do a lot of organised travels around the world, mainly trekking and hiking. It was something that Haig had mentioned about hiking to Everest base camp sometime in the near future... maybe this time next year? Not sure yet - just a thought that's there. But went along to the presentation to see what they had to offer and very impressed. Still want to read up more about it though.
I was meant to play soccer again tonight but all the places had been filled up, so hopefully next week Monday instead.
Lastly, got a good weekend planned. Giulz is coming up from Spain for Saturday and Sunday, so Saturday night should be a crazy party then might head over to the club Church on Sunday and check that out.
Otherwise, that's about all the news from this side... hope you're all doing great - where ever in the world you may be, thats if anyone really reads this :)