Posted on Monday, October 9, 2006:

Monday morning again... its crazy how time flies. Plus its nearly time for my next pay cheque? :) Nice.

Anyway, landed up spending both Saturday night and Sunday night in Soho. Justin's cousin had been staying with us for the week and was leaving yesterday, so we decided to head into Soho on Saturday night - thought we'd check out a strip club or two. After deciding against a few, either way too expensive, (like £30 a dance which lasts 3 minutes) or way too dodge - we finally landed up at one - had a few beers and watched a few dances. So that's another thing ticked off my "still to-do list".

Then on Sunday, I met up with Gav in Brick Lane. Had a chilled afternoon there - they have people doing spray painting and graffiti, and others playing drum and bass, or hip hop or something. Basically just somewhere to go on a Sunday, sit outside in the little bit of sun that's left, have a few beers and chill. From there, went through to Soho to watch Will doing his performance thing at Madame Jojo's - a theatre in Soho. That was cool - enjoyed that.

So that was the weekend, come and gone. Off to watch Disturbed tomorrow night - should be awesome, looking forward to it!

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -