Posted on Saturday, October 7, 2006:

Its 13:18 and just woke up. Aarrrgh. Feeling like this now 'cos last night we went to go watch Seether - brilliant gig! Probably one of the better live concerts I've been to. They played all their best songs, the venue was packed, the crowd was going crazy, I was drunk... all the ingredients for a good party. Even the supporting acts to Seether were really good - definitely got the crowd going.

(Will post pictures here as soon as I get them from Ryan)

A lot of South Africans in the crowd actually - heard a fair amount of Afrikaans, which was kind of expected.

After the concert, Tom and I headed back home - met up with the other housemates and sat on the balcony having beer and hubbly until some crazy hour until we all thought it best to goto sleep. I'm feeling the after effects today... self inflicted I guess :)

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -