Well, a quick update for now! Two awesome stories to report back on, or brag about!
Firstly, the rugby on Saturday morning... kicking New Zealand's ass. Well, not really kicking ass - more like winning by just one point - but sounds better saying we kicked ass!
Justin, Haig, Guy and myself went to the Walkabout again to watch the game, and again, we were out-numbered by Kiwis, but this time it was fine cos they weren't kicking our ass - so was a good Saturday afternoon spent watching rugby, drinking beer and eating KFC!
Secondly, I just found out that the best band ever is playing down the road from us in December - and by the best band in the world, I'm talking about Tenacious D. That's right baby - gonna be rocking to Jack Black!! I'm so excited.
They're doing a UK tour and playing in Hammersmith on the 18th December - so we gonna be booking our tickets at 09:00 this Saturday when they go on sale. Wicked!
Well, thats it for this post. Just had to get that out there. Cheers...