Today is the end of my first week back at work - which went really well. Enjoying the work, the people, the job, etc etc. So far so good. Considering I hadn't worked in 3 and a half months - I managed to get back into the swing of things rather quickly. I quit my job in SA within the first few days of May and hadn't worked since - I guess you can't count beer and tequila as research work. But in some ways I guess you can.
I think tonight we'll probably go out into town for a few drinks to celebrate - which is just another reason to go out and party. Not too sure where we'll go, most likely head into town, find some club or pub that looks like its pumping and take it from there.
Got a whole lot planned for this weekend, there's the rugby on tomorrow, the club Church on Sunday and the Nottinghill Carnival on Monday - should be one kickass weekend. Hope you all having, or gonna have, a cool weekend - will keep you updated with the details from this side of the world :) CYA