Well, I had a good few days this past week. Landed up having six interviews in the last five days so was a good, but busy week. Some of the interviews were formal face to face interviews and the others were telephone interviews. In general they all went alright so now we wait and see.
The one interview on Friday went well and I was actually offered the job almost straight away. However, it works out to be an hour and a half away on the tube. And there's no other way, except for the tube, to get there, i.e. overland rail or something. So that's the first issue. Secondly, they're not paying quite what I want - which I know I can't be fussy about at the moment but to be paid less than what I should be (in terms of market rates) and having to spend three hours a day in public transport just doesnt quite cut it for me. So I'm thinking of telling them that I won't be taking it. I'm meant to start on Tuesday morning. In the meantime I'm hoping to hear from the other people that I got their job cos one or two of the other one's sounded kickass.
So that was my past week - so far so good. Like I said, gonna tell that crowd I'm not interested and keep applying for others and just basically take it from there. So here's hoping... again :)