I'm now back to some sort of normal living where I get to stay in the same place for more than a few days. Don't get me wrong, the past 10 or so weeks have been awesome but living out of a suitcase and never really being able to unpack does get to you after a while. I'd do it all again without thinking but for now I'm happy to be in one place, have all my stuff unpacked and not worry about leaving a shoe under the bed or something.
This week I registered for NHS - the National Health Service. It provides healthcare for everyone here, with all visits to the doctor being free and you only pay a small fee for each item on your prescription. Its awesome. I'm well impressed.
Otherwise I now need to find a job. So I can travel again! Yay! I've started doing my CV. It works completely different from the job hunting process back home in South Africa. Here, all employers expect a certain layout when it comes to your CV... they want to see more of what experience you have and projects you've done (in detail), and not really what you've studied or anything else. So I've started with that - I'm working with an agent so they're helping me with the CV and then with the actual job hunting process once my CV is done. I'm not too worried about finding a position, but hold thumbs for me in the meantime. We'll see what happens.
But, if there's anyone (in the UK) who comes across this site, and they're so impressed they want to pay me a fortune to do some work for them, let me know, don't be scared. Just do it. You know you want to... :)