Posted on Thursday, August 3, 2006:

Happy birthday Chucky boy. Yip, yesterday was Mr Howie's birthday and needless to say we all went out to celebrate his day of birth. With ten of us staying in the same house, it always seems to take forever for all of to get ready when going out, but eventually we made it and headed out. Will and Katie got Chuck a bottle of Absinthe which you can see below how pleased Chucky is. He never got around to drinking the bottle, but when he does, I'll be sure to post those pictures - cos they'll definately be worth showing :)

Chucks Absinthe

We went to Porterhouse in Covent Gardens which is a four or five story pub with hundreds of beers from around the world to choose from. Great stuff if you ask me. If you can think of a country, good chances are they have at least a few beers from there. Here are some pics of a few of us who were there to party it up with the old man...

Chuck and Me

Will Katie and Chuck

Carol Chuck Paul and Sam

Heather Chuck and Justin

We spent most of the night there having many a few drinks and then landed up at some club nearby which wasnt so great - rather small and not the best music. But overall was a cool night.

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -