Posted on Wednesday, July 12, 2006:

Almost 40 hours of no sleep cant be good for you. Oh well, what doesnt kill you makes you stronger I guess. Yip, its been crazy. And I guess its made me stronger. Yeah... whooohoo!!

San Fermin (the festival of the running of the bulls) was one of the best parties Ive had in a long long time. Damn awesome is all I can say. To sum it up, we took a bus down to Pamplona, about an hour away, and got there about 21:00. From there we bought our outfits - the traditional white and red clothes, and then started to party. And that went on until about 07:00 where Giulz and I decided to walk up and down the gauntlet where the bulls run. We hadnt really planned on running - mainly cos we were seeing double of everything still. Good times. After seeing those 700kg bulls and their massive horns, we concluded that this time round it was best we sat on the sidelines. But there's always next year I guess. Anyway, here some of the photos to give you an idea.

San Fermin

San Fermin

San Fermin

San Fermin

San Fermin

San Fermin

San Fermin

San Fermin

We spent yesterday walking around, chilling in the sun and talking about the crazy events of the previous night. After arriving back yesterday afternoon at about 17:00, we showered, changed and headed down to the beach for a Bob Dylan concert. It was a free concert on the beach sponsored by Heineken. Im not a big fan of Bob Dylan - but we all went down anyway for another night of partying. And cos it was free. I lasted til about 02:00 where I realised I needed some sleep and headed home to get my well deserved beauty sleep. So yeah, lasted 40 hours of no sleep and partying, but then had to give in. Curse the fact that you need sleep... aaaargh!!

Bob Dylan Concert

Bob Dylan Concert

Woke up today feeling a lot better and refreshed after getting some sleep. Today we're pretty much gonna head down to the beach, get some sun, some sleep, some good food and then hopefully head out to a Cider house (Cideria) tonight. The area around San Sebastian is a well known apple producing area so the most common drink here is cider. They have numerous Cider houses where you get to pay whatever it is, eat as much as you can and drink as much (cider) as you can. Should be good...

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from San Sebastian, Spain -