Yip, here I am in San Sebastian - no problem second time round. The last day in Barcelona I basically spent walking around a bit but mainly at the beach. After lying in the sun for a while, I left the beach at roughly 20:30 and the temperature was still in the mid 20s and still completely daylight. Awesome. Could really get used to this getting dark so late. Anyway, the bus trip here took about 7 or 8 hours, which was fine cos I managed to sleep most of it. I have this inability to stay awake on public transport - buses, trains, anything. Always manage to sleep which is a bonus. So the trip here went quickly.
After arriving here, I met Giulz at the bus station and came back to his place. At the moment he's got an apartment and renting out the rooms in a hostel kind of fashion - a really cool setup. The best part about staying here, other than hopefully meeting random people travelling through, is that Giulz and I are gonna be sharing a mattress on the kitchen floor :) Obviously I could 'rent' out a room if I wanted to, but that seems rather boring and this is a cooler story to tell... oh, and its cheaper for me this way. Good times...
After getting rid of my bags and that in my room the kitchen, we headed off into the town to show me a bit more of the place. Its a coastal town, rather small, but beautiful. It really has the most amazing beach front, and a proper beach - not some pebble stone beach like other parts of Europe. We spent most of the afternoon walking around, catching up on news from the last few months etc etc.
I think we're gonna head off into town tonight to get some traditional Spanish food, some of their local drink and party like its 1952. Or something like that.