Posted on Tuesday, June 27, 2006:

Yesterday, after a good nights sleep, we left for Holland - on our way to the city of Amsterdam. On our way, once we were in Holland we stopped off to see a cheese making demo and then a clog making demonstration - exactly how the clogs are made and more about them. Really interesting.

Later that day we stopped briefly for a casual bike ride, on bicycles known as 'granny bikes'. They're the typical Dutch bicycles, very simple, no gears, high up handle bars, etc. A lot easier than our Austrian bike ride, mainly cos the city is completely flat. The lowest level is at 6m below sea level and the highest at 100m above sea level. So it was a nice casual cycle - got to see the canals, some windmills, some dykes, and hundreds of people on bicycles. Will get to that later.

After dinner we all heading out into town to watch one of the infamous sex shows. Really bizarre. It was weird to see a live sex act... um, not that I've ever seen one on TV though. Anyway, moving on. So yeah, the show consisted of a few acts, some dancers, some people from the crowd, a few more acts, etc. Was OK, we all expected more I think from the show in general.

After the show we all headed off into town to see the city at night. We walked through the red light district, just amazing to see it, different to what I expected but really interesting. Not sure how else to describe it. From walking around, we went into the 'Grasshopper' - one of the bigger pubs / cafes in town. Downstairs they have a chilled out area where we spent most of the evening. Its really weird, you walk up to the counter, they have a menu which consists of all types of weed, pre-rolled into joints, or you buy a certain weight etc. Everyone's sitting around, very chilled, smoking, chatting, laughing, smoking, laughing some more, etc.

When we left, after walking the streets - you see the strangest of people. Thats why they say drugs are bad for you :) People talking to themselves, laughing at nothing, trying to chat to you about the most ridiculous things, people with the munchies eating slice after slice of pizza.

Even being the lowest lying city in the world, it also is, on another scale, the highest city in the world. Haha. Ha. You get it? Damn Im funny.

I Amsterdam

Today we had a free day to ourselves. A few of us heading off into town, after catching a tram, to Anne Frank's house. That was interesting. I dont remember the book too well, but they've converted the house into a museum and very well indeed, and really was interesting to see and walk around inside.

After that, we headed again for the red light district - not so many girls out in their booths during the way. We just wanted to do some shopping really, I bought myself a red light district t-shirt and a coffee mug.

After the shopping, we caught the tram to the Heineken Experiance. That was awesome. You walk around the building, and at each point they have a bit about the brewing, the history, the beer, etc. In between you get to watch videos, one of them you watch as if you are a Heineken bottle, and the floor below you moves - jolts to the left as the video bumps to the left etc. Only lasted a couple of minutes but was damn cool. Otherwise, they have DJ boxes where you get to make music, can send a Heineken email card out, play games, etc. Its brilliant. And you get to have 3 half pints of beer. We managed to organise another 2 each from some girls who didnt want theirs :) Nice

Its crazy the amount of bicycles in Amsterdam. They're just everywhere. They even have a bicycle parkade which can store thousands of bicycles. Like we have a multi level car park, well they have a multi level bicycle park. Its crazy. There are very few cars around, mainly people just cycling everywhere.

This evening we went on a canal river cruise. Being our last night, everybody did the cruise which was nice. It was about an hour down the main canal of Amsterdam, we had snacks on the boat as well as a few complimentary beers / glasses of wine. After the cruise, we all headed off to our farewell dinner. We had Chinese food. With Amsterdam being such a multi-cultural city, they have all nationalities and types of food. We went for Chinese food, and a lot of it.

Was sad that it was our last night all together, after spending 20 days with the same people, everyone know it was the last time together. Other than on the bus tomorrow, which doesnt count cos we usually all asleep. Now we all going down to the bar for our last crazy party together. Should be good!

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from Amsterdam, Holland -