This morning most of us almost missed our lift to the Metro station. Somehow we got mixed up with the times and thought the bus was leaving 15 minutes later than it actually was. Oh well... left a few people behind. Their loss.
We got dropped off at the station and were given our day passes. We caught the train directly to the Vatican City station and then began our ridiculously long walk... to join the back of the queue to the Vatican Museum. We got there kind of early, about 09:00 I would say - and then had to queue for over 2 hours before we got to the entrance. You walk through the museum (which is huge) and that leads you into the Sistine Chapel. Its different to what I expected - but the artwork and the chapel was still incredible - considering how it was done etc. Because you're not allowed to take photos inside the chapel, I've put a picture here of it which I stole from Google images.
We had an option to catch the bus back home, or we could stay in Rome and then it was up to us to get home. As they say: when in Rome, do like the Romans. So we decided to wait and rather see the city.
After the Vatican Museum and the Sistine Chapel we walked over to St. Peters Square - the square famous for when Scotty met Mieke in the movie Eurotrip. Oh, and also the square in front of St. Peters Basilica. We decided to go into St Peters, firstly up to the dome on the top. Very impressive view from the top - both inside of the church as well as outside looking over towards Rome central. Having spent a while up there, we went down and walked around the church. Out of everything we had seen so far, I think St Peters was the most stunning - between the immense size and the detail that went into the building, it was incredible.
To be different, Alan and I decided to catch the bus to Rome central instead of walking. Seemed the right thing to do. So after eventually finding the right bus stop, we hopped on, had no idea how to validate our tickets and then after a few stops realised we were travelling in completely the wrong direction. So we got off, jumped on one going the other way and landed up further away from our intended destination that if we hadnt got on a bus at all. And you try ask for help in English, no ways - unless you can communicate with pictures, hand actions, sound effects or guessing - no luck getting help from these Italians.
After walking across the city, we grabbed some lunch and then headed for the Spanish Steps. The steps have generally been used as a gathering place for people to meet up. Unfortunately they were doing some repair in the background so my photos arent as picturesque as they should be. Instead, I stole yet another picture from Google to give you an idea of the steps. Am I cool or am I cool? Yeah baby, you know it!
That basically concluded the day for us - between all the walking the heat, we decided it best to catch the Metro back home and hit the pub for a beer or five.