Well, in between trying to cram everything into such little time, managed to get to an internet cafe briefly. So here some more updates for now.
On Tuesday after getting back from Ireland, Bianca and I had decided to go watch a theatre production. After hearing from Haig how awesome the Queen show was (he had watched it early on it the year), we thought we had to watch that one.
Well I was amazed. It was absolutely incredible. Cant really describe it, but was definately worth it. And now I feel more cultured having watch a theatre show in London. Damn I'm cool!
On Wednesday, Haig, his cousin, Bianca and myself booked to go on the London eye - a 135 metre high ferris wheel on the Thames river. Incredible views to see London from so high up - even with my crazy fear of heights - still enjoyed it :)
That afternoon, we went shopping in Camden Town - I decided I need a new T-shirt or two and from there headed off to Abby road, the street made famous by the one Beatles record. We got a few cheesy photos of us walking across the zebra crossing :)
That evening, tried to go with Haig, Tarryn and Chris to watch Prime Circle play nearby my place at the Walkabout. But the queues were way too long and we didnt get in so went to the pub next door for a couple of drinks instead. Oh well.