Posted on Saturday, June 3, 2006:

According to most of the locals, these past few days have been some of the warmest days in Ireland in ages - I reckon its just cos Im here now. Haha. Only woke up late this morning after last night's big one, but got ready and went through to another college nearby. Claire's boyfriend was playing football there, so we landed up lying on the grass watching them and trying to get a tan. Think I got a bit of a tan which was alright.

Well that's where we are at the moment. Claire's off at work tonight so I'm gonna head off into town just now for some beer before meeting up with everyone when they're done with work, and then I think we're going to some party afterwards. Monday here is a public bank holiday which was a good weekend to choose to come here!

Anyway, will post again soon with more news from sunny Dublin. Tomorrow we have planned to see the Guinness Factory and Old Jameson Distillery which Im quite excited for. Hope everyone's well back home, don't forget to email and post comments! Cheers!

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from Dublin, Ireland -