Just because it was close to where we were and I had read it somewhere, we went past the Angel tube station. They have the longest escalator out of all the tube stations so just for the hell of it went up and then down again. Yes, pointless I know but seemed like a good idea at the time :)
If you've done a Contiki or booked one, you can get tickets for various London attractions from the Contiki office at a much cheaper rate. So we headed off to Russell Square to get our tickets for Madame Tussauds, Tower Bridge Exhibition and the London Dungeon. They sell the Fast Track tickets which enable you to skip the queue and go straight in... which looking back was the best thing to do. Would've waited in the queues forever otherwise.
From there went to Madame Tussauds - amazing. I was so impressed with the wax models and the way they're setup. Some of them are made in positions you almost wonder if it really is someone leaning against a wall or a model. And the detail on the faces and clothes is ridiculous. Unfortunately it was extremely busy, but then I think that most days are like that there. I got to touch Angelina Jolie's boobs which was awesome. Part of Madame Tussauds is the horror exhibition which was rather frightening but brilliantly done! Loved it!
Afterwards took a walk around Oxford Circus and visited the Apple Shop and Hamleys - the most kickass shop I've been to. It was amazing - five or six floors of just toys. I could imagine what it must be like been a kid and having a shop like that to get your toys from. Oh well, you're only as old as you feel and I know I'll be back there to buy cool stuff sooner rather than later. Could definitely still be a kid... 24 going on 17. Yip, that's me!
From there, Bianca and I went to Hyde Park and took a walk around there. I've never really been one to find parks and open fields that exciting but it was just quite something to walk around it - acres and acres of field, trees, grass and pathways. As much as London is what it is and life and everything so busy and rushed, they still have these massive parks where plenty of people go for picnics, play soccer football, lie on the grass, skateboard, rollerblade, relax, etc. - just to get away from the hustle and bustle of the town. Been such a warm day, we landed up sleeping on the grass for a while - having not slept the previous night.
On the one side of Hyde Park is Speakers Corner, a section of the park where free public speaking is allowed. We spent ages there listening to what everyone had to go on about... didn't join in any of the debates but was interesting to listen.
That night went for a walk around Covent Gardens and then to Pizza Hut for supper, then home. After no sleep in the last two days and been on the go the whole of today - got home and slept pretty damn well!