Alright... here's a little bit about me in London so far. Basically a bit about what I've noticed thats different from home, etc.
Firstly, efficiency. Its amazing. Everything runs and works like it should. And to the minute. You stand at a bus station, there's a display informing you about the next bus, where its heading and its due in 3 minutes. And in exactly 3 minutes it arrives. No later, no earlier, but in 3 minutes. Same as for the tubes:
Also, the streets are so damn clean. Everywhere you walk the places are in perfect condition. And strangely enough, there arent that many dustbins arounds, they have an amazing cleaning crew or something that sort the place out. You just dont really see litter around.
Also, when catching the tube, there are people around playing instruments in the tube station. Apparently they have to audition to play there for money, not just anyone can play - they need to be good. I heard somewhere that if they arent good the commuters get upset so you need only those people that can play well. Very interesting.
The size of the houses here are tiny compared to home. And all so close together. But its not that bad I suppose, unless you're big on garden cricket which isnt really possible.
Otherwise, my new favourite beer is Staropramen - a Czech beer quite common here... really nice. Gotta credit Haig on that one. He suggested it originally. Thanks man!
On the topic of beer, one thing different from home is you're allowed to drink in public which is a new thing for me. Its quite common to walk past an Off-License store (cafe), pick up a beer or two and drink it while waiting for the bus or on the tube or walking home. We plannnig on have a Tube-Drinking-Party which involves catching the Circle Line (goes round and round central London) and every stop we have to down half a beer or something. Spend the day on the tube with beer, music and a bunch of crazy people i.e. all of us. Yeah.
If you wanna know where I'm staying, Im sharing a room with Will, Chuck and Tom and in the house there's Russel, Justin and Carol - kinda crazy. We're staying in White City.
Another thing are the pedestrian crossings here... people have right of way. So when you walk up to a crossing, all the cars come to an immediate halt for you. No having to wait, they all stop, you cross and they carry on. Not like at home when you gotta jump between cars to get across.
Other than being completely blown away with London itself - there are so many other differences to living here, which I'll post more as I think of them.
I'm about to head back home, shower, have supper and get ready to party it later tonight. No idea what the plan is just yet - but sure it'll be a good one. Will post details when I can.
Hope everyone back home's doing well - I have been reading your comments... keep em coming and also got all your emails. Havent had a chance to reply but will do when I can - so not ignoring you! :)
Love you all... well, almost all of you... dont really love Al... but I think he understands. Until tomorrow or the next day... keep it real. CYA