Posted on Thursday, May 25, 2006:

Yip, thats right... got lucky today! And kinda hot as well. Dunno what you all thinking but I'm talking about the weather. Got to see the sun today - had a really nice day for sight seeing compared to what I've had so far.

Started off this morning to get the forms and documentation for my bank account. I'm gonna get an account with Barclay's - usually takes a few days before I can use my account. So tomorrow morning need to phone for an appointment to fill out all the paper work etc.

After that, since I was nearby, caught the tube to Tower Bridge to check it out. Spent quite a while there, taking photos, checking out the areas around it, etc. etc.

Tower of London

After that decided to do some sight seeing of London. Landed up jumping on the tube, jumping off at random stations, catching random busses here and there - basically to see a little bit of this and that. I landed up and St. Paul's Cathedral with was awesome to see. I didn't go inside for the tour, gonna do all my touring next week (from Sunday). Just saw it from the outside - quite amazing.

St Pauls Cathedral

After that decided I had had enough of random travelling and headed for Piccadilly Circus to take some photos. Obviously it looks better at night so will try take some pics at night as well, but for now, here are the day time photos.

Piccadilly Circus

From there I missioned to Westminster Abby for photos of Big Ben, houses of parliament and London Eye. You may have read that I had seen them all on Sunday with Haig, but went back today with my camera, cos I didnt have it with me then. So here are some pics of them.

Big Ben

Houses of Parliament

London Eye

From there I walked to a point where I could get a photo of both the houses of parliament as well as London Eye in. It makes quite a nice picture of both the new and old. Well, at least I thought so...

London Eye and Big Ben

After having spent the whole afternoon walking the streets of London, I headed back home via Shepherds Bush for a beer or two with Tom and then via the internet cafe where I am now.

Thats all for now... ciao

:: posted by Mike Salmon at from London, England -