The rest of Tuesday was cool. After my last post, I headed out to East Putney and met up with Haig and the crazy people he knows for drinks at a small little pub out there. Really cool. After numerous drinks, we then landed up a pub near Trafalgar Square called "Sports Cafe" which had drinks for only 1 pound each... which is really cheap! So, needless to say that went down extremely well and I crashed over where Haig is staying. Other than the bus, we also caught a cab from the one bus stop to where we were staying, so I've now officially caught a train, a bus and a taxi.
On Wednesday, after getting up at about 11ish, we went to the British Science museum. Wow. Haig and I spent the entire afternoon there, amazing stuff. They have the whole history of science, from the very beginning to all the cool stuff we got today. I think I said "thats awesome" more times that afternoon than I've even said before. Overall, it was really cool. But actually, we had more fun in the "Kids under 8yrs" section that anywhere else. They have the coolest toys for us kids there which we went crazy with. Lots of fun.
After that we went to Haig's sister's place for a really nice home cooked meal... roast chicken - really good (thanks Tarryn). Was well enjoyed.
Today I went back to Putney for a tour of Haig's brewery. Very interesting. Really enjoyed it.
And of course there was the beer tasting which always goes down well. They have a chocolate flavoured beer which I quite enjoyed.
After that I met Gav back near home for a beer or two. Apparently Gav doesnt like my site cos I didnt mention how cool he is, so Im gonna use this space to mention how damn cool Gav is. If you ever see this guy, buy him a beer cos Gav is cooler than anyone else. (Hey Gav, told you I'd write something for you).
Well, thats all for today. I'm about to head home, get myself a meal from the off-license and see whats happening later. Will post again when something interesting comes up. Sorry if this entry makes NO sense, its been a long day of a lot of beer drinking. Im sure you all understand. Cheers and remember to post your comments... yeah... wwwoooohhooo!