Hi, and thanks for stopping by to read what's going on here.
Basically the idea of this site is for me to write about my crazy, drunken stories travels and sight seeing adventures, for you to follow me around the world (UK & Europe) and for me to keep as a online diary.
How to use this site you ask? Well on the right hand side under my photo has a list of all the current stories that are on the front page. You can click on any of those stories to read up more about them. Below them on the right hand side are the past months. Instead to showing all my entries on the front page, only the recent ones will appear, the rest can be found under the months.
For each entry and topic I enter, there is a comments section for you to add comments to. If I go somewhere you think looks interesting and want to add your 5 cents worth, go for it, add it in. If you want to ask me something, type it in the comments page. I'll look over the comments regularly and add to them or let you know via email. It's just a way to communicate back and forward.
Otherwise it should be easy to use the site... basically click and read. Not much more than that. Well until my next post, whenever (and where ever) that may be... so long and keep well.